Easy Recipes for Dessert

Easy recipes for dessert can satisfy your sweet tooth with a minimum of effort. These sweet treats are usually made with store-bought ingredients such as cream cheese, vanilla ice cream, or chocolate chips. However, not all easy recipes are created equal. To make things easier, you can opt for desserts that require little preparation, store-bought ingredients, or instant pudding. Read on to discover more dessert ideas. You’ll love them!

Mug cakes

If you are looking for an easy dessert recipe, you should try making a mug cake. Mug cakes are incredibly easy to make, and they are made with common ingredients such as butter and milk. Whether you are using whole or skim milk, this recipe is sure to please. In addition, mug cakes are incredibly portable. To make a mug cake, all you need is a large mug, butter, flour, and baking powder.


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